Think About It

Think about it. Why do so many church goers support the supposed “justice” of “My body, my choice”? What have we missed in their thought processes? They read the Bible, take the word justice, and apply it to what they are told to by the formerly “mainstream” media. As the slogan says, it’s my body and my choice. They forget at least two things. First, they conveniently ignore that a brand new and unique human being has been conceived and now exists. Secondly, the government exists to prevent the bigger and stronger from taking advantage of the smaller and weaker. That is Bible justice. That is not the government in your bedroom. That is the government exercising its God-given role of preventing injustice.
In the financial world, isn’t that the reason for laws and rulings against monopolies? The smaller, newer, and weaker business should not be pushed out of business, just because they can be by the bigger company.
See how that works? Think about it.
Just because an individual chooses to participate in an institution that talks about the Bible does not mean that they have preached, studied, nor adopted the lifestyle of the Scriptures.
Think about it. Then pray forgiveness, mercy and stand in the gap. Like Job did.
When cultural icons and identity squeeze out every vestige of Christian virtue and standards of justice? We have problems. The nation whose God is the Lord will be blessed. The nation that says that God is the Lord and yet endorses every ungodly practice? That nation is besieged from within and without.
Think about it. Study the Bible. In a world gone crazy, pray that the Word governs all our thoughts, words, actions & life purposes. Intercede for all.
Remember. Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13. Thou shalt not authorize (vote for) killing. Thou shalt not confuse nor harm a pregnant woman or you are liable to the death penalty. A life for a life! Exodus 21:22, 23.
Lord have mercy upon us! Christ have mercy upon us! Amen!
Jim Freudenstein, 832-654-7791, 10-8-2024,

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