Stand & Pray • 40 Days for LIFE
on February 21st, 2025
Help us cultivate a culture of LIFE in this city of Houston! Our designated day to stand and pray outside of Planned Parenthood Gulf Freeway is Saturday, March 23, from 7AM to 7PM. Come and pray whenever you can for however long you can. Prayer saves lives and defeats giants!Sign up here!... Read More
Think About It
on October 14th, 2024
Think about it. Why do so many church goers support the supposed “justice” of “My body, my choice”? What have we missed in their thought processes? They read the Bible, take the word justice, and apply it to what they are told to by the formerly “mainstream” media. As the slogan says, it’s my body and my choice. They forget at least two things. First, they conveniently ignore that a brand new and ... Read More
Forgiveness for What?
on August 26th, 2024
Forgiveness for What Reasons?Jim Freudenstein, 8-23-2024, 832-654-7791, jfreud1953@gmail.comJesus said on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Stephen, while being stoned prayed the same prayer. What prayer does Satan hate more? What is the impact, purpose, and result of such a prayer?As a witness to the one whom we call Savior and Lord, we pray for forgiveness. How wi... Read More
What happened to the church?
on August 26th, 2024
What Happened to the Church Here, Now?Jim Freudenstein, 7-23-’24, 832-654-7791, jfreud1953@gmail.comJeremiah 23:16-29 describes our predicament today precisely.Verse 17 says “They (the current prophets) say continually to those who despise the word of the Lord, ‘It shall be well with you’; & to everyone who follows his own heart, they say, ‘No disaster shall come upon you.’” Verse 22, “But if they... Read More
Why Is Sin so Prevalent?
on August 12th, 2024
Am I saved? Am I headed to heaven? Am I born again? Do I really believe the Bible? Why does sinning seem so easy at times? Why does prayer seem like a task and the heavens seem like brass? Why does my awareness of God’s Word seem so unwelcome in supposedly Christian circles?Why? How did this come about?God grant us answers! God grant us tender hearts! God grant us hungry minds! God grant us lives,... Read More
How Was Your Worship
on May 6th, 2024
How Was Your Worship on Sunday?Christians and especially “wannabe-Christians” will ask each other in the early part of the week. How was your worship? What meaning did it have? How did it make you feel? Did you feel butterflies? Did your skin crawl with excitement? Did you feel like running? Dancing? Shouting? Did you shed a tear? Did anyone weep, moan, or shriek? Did God show up? We all want to j... Read More