Forgiveness for What?

Forgiveness for What Reasons?
Jim Freudenstein, 8-23-2024, 832-654-7791,
Jesus said on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Stephen, while being stoned prayed the same prayer. What prayer does Satan hate more? What is the impact, purpose, and result of such a prayer?
As a witness to the one whom we call Savior and Lord, we pray for forgiveness. How will the world identify the followers of Jesus? By their love. How do we love our spouse, children, brethren, and parents? Surely one of the chief ways is by forgiving them.
Because of our need, we ask for forgiveness as in Daniel 9:4-20. “We have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly (4, 5) …because we have sinned against you (8) …O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen & act! Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin (19, 20) …”
Because of their need, we pray forgiveness over them. Was the prayer of Jesus effective? Was the prayer of Stephen effective? Does the prayer for forgiveness for others have the effect of softening some hearts? Saul was holding the garments for the stoners, assenting to Stephen’s death, Acts 7:58-60. Does this prayer for forgiveness for others take away ground from the evil one? Ephesians 4:27, “Nor give place to the devil.” Rather, by focusing on forgiveness, do we make more precarious the devil’s foothold?
Is praying for forgiveness one of the ways that we take every thought captive,       II Corinthians 10:3-5?
It makes sense that we want to pray wisely and effectively during this season of campaigning and voting for president. It makes sense that HIS mighty weapon of forgiveness may sharpen our effectiveness for God’s good and gracious will to happen. Lives will be saved from drive-bys in Chicago. Lives (of the aged and infants, men and women) will be saved in closing down the active wars in our world. Lives will be saved in our mothers’, sisters’, daughters’ & wives’ wombs as we reverse the culture of death into one of glorious life!
“Lord, forgive us, & those who desire to continue the senseless slaughter of the innocents. Lead us to pray effectively with the weapon of forgiveness!”

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